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TEAM #6305 News And Updates

Showcase & lego Drive

Thank you to everyone who came to showcase! Everything went smoothly and we were able to display every department's contributions and achievements so far.


Another big thanks to all those who participated in our Lego Drive! Aside from providing Lego sets at the Valley Children's hospital, we were also able to give a demonstration of our robot.

Kick Off

Team 6305 kick off is a mandatory event where the robot challenge is revealed and we plan our robot. Students will gather at the Clovis North multi-purpose room (cafeteria) at 9am on Saturday, January 6th. Please wear black team shirts for the yearbook photo.  Parents are encouraged to come join us at 2:30 pm for an update on the robot game and team plans.

Sponsor drive

Team 6305 is in need of sponsors! Students who bring sponsors that donate $500 or more will receive a free t-shirt later in the year. If you can or know anyone that can sponsor us, please visit the Sponsorship tab on the website. 

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